dyskinesia - definizione. Che cos'è dyskinesia
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Cosa (chi) è dyskinesia - definizione

Dyskinesias; Drug-induced dyskinesia

[?d?sk?'ni:zi?, -k??-]
¦ noun Medicine abnormality or impairment of voluntary movement.
C18: from dys- + Gk kinesis 'motion'.
Dyskinesia refers to a category of movement disorders that are characterized by involuntary muscle movements, including movements similar to tics or chorea and diminished voluntary movements. Dyskinesia can be anything from a slight tremor of the hands to an uncontrollable movement of the upper body or lower extremities.
tardive dyskinesia         
Tardive dyskinesias; Dyskinetic; Tardive Dyskinesia; Dyskinesia, drug induced; Tardive dysphrenia; Dyskinesia, drug-induced; Dyskenesia; Diskenesia; Drug-induced dystonia; Tardive dysphoria; Late-onset dyskinesia
[?t?:d?v ?d?sk?'ni:z??]
¦ noun Medicine a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements of the face and jaw.
1960s: tardive from Fr. tardif, tardive (see tardy).



Dyskinesia refers to a category of movement disorders that are characterized by involuntary muscle movements, including movements similar to tics or chorea and diminished voluntary movements. Dyskinesia can be anything from a slight tremor of the hands to an uncontrollable movement of the upper body or lower extremities. Discoordination can also occur internally especially with the respiratory muscles and it often goes unrecognized. Dyskinesia is a symptom of several medical disorders that are distinguished by their underlying cause.

Esempi di pronuncia per dyskinesia
1. that you have, the dyskinesia.
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2. And it happens to diminish dyskinesia,
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3. can help dyskinesia, the involuntary movements
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4. And I really did it haphazardly and had dyskinesia as a result.
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Esempi dal corpus di testo per dyskinesia
1. Tardive dyskinesia is a horrible and disabling movement disorder, a side–effect of schizophrenia treatment.